Rev. Beth Bostrom is serving as interim pastor at Hillsborough UMC. She is an ordained Elder in the Florida Conference. Beth has served in the Florida Conference since 2009, and she was ordained an Elder in 2015.
Her training includes chaplaincy, trauma and resilience, ministerial entrepreneurship, moral injury, and grief companionship. Beth’s ministry experience includes pediatric chaplaincy, campus ministry, local church ministry, disaster recovery, and spiritual care in shelters for families. During a recent leave, she tended to some family transitions, deepened her study of trauma and resilience, resumed some art practices, connected more deeply with family and friends, and preached around the SW District as pastors needed to be out for vacation or illness.
Beth lives in Sarasota with her husband Rick, who teaches creative writing at Ringling College of Art + Design. Beth loves to travel and have adventures, and describes herself as an enthusiastic wanderer, lover of life, and artist of nothing particular.

A Pastoral Note from Rev. Bostrom:
My dears,
I am honored to come alongside you at Hillsborough UMC for a season in ministry. I have been deeply grateful for the kind welcome I have received in the midst of a heartbreaking time after Pastor Tanner died. We know that this is a difficult and tender time, and my hope is that we can hold gentle and gracious space for the grief to rest alongside the glimpses of joy that will spring up.
When something unspeakably hard happens, we have the opportunity to draw together, take care of each other, and hold the layers of emotions amongst us. This can help us feel less alone, share the weight of the experience, and remind us how important our connections and relationships are. And it is an embodiment of God’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We will likely also find many moments of hope and celebration during our time together, as new grandkids join your families, milestone accomplishments are achieved, and God continues to show up again and again. I look forward to continuing to get to know you, hear your stories, join in worship and prayer, and hold both the joys and sorrows of life together.
May you be ever aware of God’s gracious and loving presence with you, encouraging, strengthening, and transforming you and our world. And may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Pastor Beth